Finding Passion At 38

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Finding A Needle In A Haystack

I'm not looking for a job.

I'm looking for the next path on my career journey. Two very different approaches to employment. Case in point. Friends are bewildered that I'm not going on interviews every week. They say, "You're in digital and there are a bunch of digital jobs. Why aren't you getting calls?" But that's just it. There are plenty of jobs. Jobs that list position requirements, salary ranges and benefits. But at this point, I want and need to go deeper.

I've been having tough conversations with myself and my inner circle, about the life I want to design, for about a year. I'm in the midst of reading, Designing Your Life, and the idea of building Health, Work, Play and Love dashboards, resonates with me. A visual indicator that a key aspect of life is near "Empty", is a strong catalyst for change. So, I got to work. And with the help of candor, honesty and a visual framework, I've made tangible progress. I've defined my purpose, documented my priorities, and uncovered my philosophy of work itself.

What does that mean for my career? It means I know what I want and I will not settle, unless absolutely necessary. My next path will:

1. Have a purpose I feel strongly about. I don't want to sell widgets to the masses. I'm passionate about publishing, education, innovation and social change. An organization with a similar mission, is an organization I can immerse myself in.

2. Require that I'm in a continuous state of learning and value creation. To sum up, I want to hustle again. I'm at my best, when I have multiple roles and deadlines (within reason.) I want the experience of going home, knowing my time has been well spent, however that manifests. 

3. Empower me to do what I do well, as much as possible. Writing, teaching and building products fulfill my creative spirit, but are evening hobbies. That needs to change.  I want to fulfill my passion and add value to an organization, during the day.

4. Excite me beyond belief. Why? Because I found my needle in a haystack.