I Dreamed A Dream

Our world is filled to the brim with uncertainty. Uncertainty that feels and looks different than any other major event, at least in my lifetime. A global pandemic. A divided, angry country. A shaky economy with millions of people out of work. A stark reminder that skin color still matters, and in the worse case, leads to unjustified death.

With all the turmoil in society, a high level of self awareness is not needed to acknowledge how fortunate I am . I do not have, nor have I had the coronavirus. As an immune compromised person that is, most likely, a life saving statement. My loved ones are healthy. My wife is able/willing to manage errands, so I can remain isolated. We work for responsible employers and maintain a comfortable lifestyle. We pay our mortgage, buy ground turkey for our spoiled dogs and indulge in Netflix marathons on Friday nights. Of course, we both walk on proverbial egg shells, praying we do not receive a worrisome phone call or notice a problematic symptom. But, in 2020, our situation is ideal, only improved by the development of an effective vaccine.

That being said, I would be lying if I did not admit the constant barrage of reality has taken a toll. I find myself wanting to escape. I dream about packing our bags and moving to a simpler life. Yes, I’ve wanted to leave the city for years, but its different this time. My day dream is clear; I know where I want to be.

My Escape

I wake up to the sun shining through the trees outside my window. I hear the snores of my loves and the first sounds of nature waking up. I walk downstairs, make coffee and head outside. The sun warms my skin as I sip hot coffee on the deck. There is a trail next to the house that leads to a beautiful lake. As I start my daily stroll, feeling more awake with each moment, I hear my dogs, eager to join me. The three of us pause to appreciate the beauty and stillness of our surroundings. I get lost in reflection until my dogs remind me its time for breakfast.

We all smell the sausage cooking when we come into the house. My wife and I eat breakfast as we try (unsuccessfully) to avoid our dogs’s pleading eyes. After we indulge the pooches, we play with them until its time to get ready for work. As my wife leaves, I settle in, ready to conquer my day. But, when I open my laptop, the image disappears, unable to be grasped.

I ‘m snapped into coherence by loud music blasting from a car seeking attention. Reality sets in for the long day ahead.

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